It was Saturday night and there was no sleep to be had. My body was calm but my mind was restless. Could God really be telling me to drive to Portland?!? Indeed He was... When I could stand it no longer, I got up, got dressed (in a green skirt no less) and left the house at 0530.
After so some amount of dawdling, I arrived at the dreaded camp meeting at 0915. Afraid to just randomly saunter right onto the campus, I called Angela and asked her to walk outside. I'll bet she didn't expect to see me standing there! As we walked into the office I was immediately "greeted" by Angela's mom who was practically in tears. I must admit that I was too but for vastly different reasons. Apparently word travels fast with the AF crowd because it wasn't long before I was seeing other folks I knew coming out of the woodwork. It would seem that there is quite the text messaging chain...
Later on that morning as Angela and I walked about the campground on "official business" I couldn't help but think that the place reminded me of some type of internment camp. The 1 room cabins which had no windows and were about 2 feet from eachother, the fenced compound, the codes on the gates... All these things add to the story but they weren't the real reason for the fear and trembling.
Poor Lindsey was the one who had to sit next to me during church service. As long as she wasn't looking at me, I was "fine." Actually, the whole experience was more difficult than anticipated but oddly enough I didn't want to run away...
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