Monday, October 13, 2008

Reflections on Yom Kippur

Last Thursday marked another Yom Kippur. As I look back to very first post on this blog I am absolutely astounded by God's amazing works and how He has shown me just a little of what that "more" is.
I think back to Yom Kippur 2005, the infamous "Avocado Incident." It was a year of transitions for me; my first year in my own home, my first year working as a nurse... I was fasting for Yom Kippur, or at least trying to, when I started praying. I think I must have been a little frustrated and perhaps angry at God. As I was praying I saw an avocado on my kitchen counter. "God, if you really are God and you really do love me, how much would matter if I ate that avocado. I know we are free from the law... But what attitude am I about to do this in?"
Yom Kippur 2006 marked a parting of ways with a close friend. She chose to deny her Saviour while I prayed desperately for the strength to hold on to Him. Though we are still friends, it's never been the same.
It wasn't long after Yom Kippur 2007 that I learned about reconciliation; God's desire for us to be reconciled to Him, and what it means to be "given the ministry of reconciliation.
Now it is Yom Kippur once again and I have had the wonderful privilege of sharing it with the the Body. Last Sunday I had the opportunity to participate in the ancient tradition of Taschlich with some friends from dare I say it... CHURCH! We all went down to Greenlake for a little scripture reading and some therapeutic rock throwing as an illustration of Micah 7:19 which says: " You will again have compassion on us;you will tread our sins underfoot and hurl all our iniquities into the depths of the sea."
Thursday marked the closing of Yom Kippur. After clinical was over three of my students and I went on a bit of a "field trip" to attend services at Beit Tikvah. How wonderful it is to be reconciled to the Body of Believers and share these meaningful times with them! God is faithful to His promises, Amen.

1 comment:

Angela said...


Any more would say less.